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William Torbitt School

Together we grow and succeed!

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020 8599 1209

William Torbitt Primary School Eastern Avenue, Newbury Park, Ilford, Essex, IG2 7SS

William Torbitt School

Together we grow and succeed!

Online Safety

We learn about staying safe online each term in our Computing lessons, in some of our PSHE lessons and in assemblies.

It is important to stay safe online. Staying safe includes blocking pop up ads and keeping your personal information to yourself. Make sure an adult is supervising you whilst using the internet.


If you see something inappropriate (that is not right) when you are online, TELL an adult you know and trust. Do not keep it to yourself.


Follow the SMART Rules below to stay safe online.

Online Safety News


The message below was sent via Parentmail on 08/05/24:


Dear Parents/Carers,


Helldivers 2 is an online game which has taken the games industry by storm, attracting a wide array of fans from all over the world and, more importantly, from various age groups.

Many young gamers are actively playing this game, both with friends and with strangers via online multiplayer – despite the game’s 18+ rating 🔞 


Unfortunately, the gore and violence of Helldivers 2 (combined with its in-game purchases and the ability to play with unfamiliar people online) present significant online safety concerns for younger players.


Please see the attached guide which explores these issues in detail and advises on minimising the risks to children and young people.


Kind Regards,


WTPS Senior Safeguarding Team


Parentzone have some excellent resources to support parents/carers in keeping their children safe online. Please click here to take a look at the latest information and guidance on the most commonly used apps and games by children.

What children at William Torbitt are taught:

  • When your child is using the internet at school or at home it is very important that they stay safe. We teach your child to FLAG IT, BLOCK IT & REPORT IT if they see anything on the internet they are concerned about.
  • Your child would have been taught at school how to stay safe when using the internet on the computer, an iPad or a mobile phone. It is also a good idea to talk about these safety issues at home with your child.
  • If you are worried about anything your child has seen on the internet you can report it to the police by clicking on this button:
  • Remember when using any computer, tablet or phone devices we teach your child to be SMART:


S – Safe – Don’t give out your own information
M – Meet – Only meet people you have met online with your parents
A – Accepting – Only open emails and texts from people you trust
R – Reliable – Some people online tell lies, only talk to real world friends and family
T – Tell – Tell a parent or adult you trust if something you see online makes you feel uncomfortable.

Web Links for Parents

These websites will help you and your family learn how to stay safe when using the internet, mobile phones etc.

William Torbitt School

Together we grow and succeed!

Get In Touch

020 8599 1209

Eastern Avenue, Newbury Park, Ilford, Essex, IG2 7SS

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