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William Torbitt School

Together we grow and succeed!

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020 8599 1209

William Torbitt Primary School Eastern Avenue, Newbury Park, Ilford, Essex, IG2 7SS

William Torbitt School

Together we grow and succeed!


Welcome to William Torbitt Primary School.

It is a school that lies at the heart of the community, where the children’s learning is paramount, and the learning of the whole school community is highly valued and encouraged. There are high expectations of staff as well as pupils, and a continual striving for excellence.

We believe that when children feel valued, safe and are well-supported and appropriately challenged, they make good progress and achieve well. To this end, we work hard to ensure there is very much a family feel here, even though we are a large primary school. It is also our belief that children achieve most when the home and school are working together, so we see parents/carers as partners in their education.

We are very proud of our pupils; they come from a diverse range of backgrounds and are very enthusiastic about their school life, are very well behaved and get on well together.  Ofsted agrees: ‘The school is caring community which includes all pupils in everything the school has to offer. As a result, pupils are confident young people, who are polite towards one another and towards adults.’

The school is well resourced, with interactive whiteboards in every classroom, a purpose built cookery room, library, ICT suite, sensory room and multi-purpose community space. The school itself is set in extensive grounds, with an orchard, allotment plot and wildlife area; an invaluable outside learning environment for the children.

At William Torbitt, parents/carers are very supportive and want their children to do well. The % of pupils with SEN is just above average; they are supported well. We wholeheartedly endorse education for a diverse, multi-cultural society.


We therefore:

  • Welcome racial, cultural and linguistic diversity.
  • Reject and oppose racism and prejudice, and are committed to promote equality of opportunity, racial justice and good relationships between all groups.
  • Al our children and parents are treated with the same care and consideration irrespective of their gender, race, religion, nationality or ability.
  • We aim to provide the children in our care with the necessary values, skills, knowledge and understanding to be confident, respectful and successful young people

William Torbitt School

Together we grow and succeed!

Get In Touch

020 8599 1209

Eastern Avenue, Newbury Park, Ilford, Essex, IG2 7SS

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