Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

Our guiding principle is one of Inclusion and that of a person-centred approach. We aim to provide quality first teaching for all of our pupils so that no child is left behind. This includes appropriate differentiation for individual pupils, the use of high-quality resources and effective use of additional adult support. We are dedicated to creating an inclusive environment that will enable children to achieve their full potential and to bridge the gap with their peers.
Our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENDCO) is Miss Reeve. To contact her, please send an email to sendco@williamtorbitt.redbridge.sch.uk
Our Aims and Values
- To ensure that each individual child has a voice and their views and opinions are considered when planning and evaluating their personalised SEN provision.
- To ensure that all pupils have access to a broad and balanced curriculum which is differentiated to meet their own individual needs and abilities.
- To continue promoting our school’s dedication to an inclusive approach to education.
- To continue having a positive approach to learning, whereby children’s’ strengths are built on and their views and opinions are listened to and valued.
- To continue working in partnership with outside agencies, staff, children and parents.
- To ensure all children have access to high quality provision that is regularly monitored and evaluated.
- To monitor and review each individual child’s progress and needs.
- To promote and develop early identification. This is to ensure that we are able to provide early intervention.
- To ensure that each individual child’s needs are recognised and supported through quality first teaching and effective additional support.
Our school’s local offer forms part of the local authority’s local offer, which is also available on this website and provides information for parents/carers on SEN services available within Redbridge and neighbouring boroughs.
For more information on how we support children with SEND and their families please see our SEN Policy and Information Report and Disability Equality Access Plan below.
Support Services for Parents of Pupils with SEN
Some of the organisations below may also be able you to answer any questions you may have about additional educational needs.
Once you click on a service below it should take you to their website.
Redbridge Information, Advice and Support Services (RIASS)