Computing & ICT
At William Torbitt with divide Computing and ICT into two separate strands – Computing, which is taught by computing specialists and focuses primarily on programming and coding, and ITC, which is taught by class teachers and focuses on functional computer literacy and everyday skills.
Our termly Computing and ICT units are closely linked to our overall termly topics – this allows us to make links between different subjects, to use and apply vocabulary more widely, and to broaden and deepen our overall understanding of each subject. For example, pupils code Lego Moon Rovers at the same time as learning about Earth & Space in Science.
E-Safety also forms a key part of our Computing & ICT Curriculum – every year begins with a focus on this topic for all year groups, and every year group also has one unit focussed on this topic each year. Some of these units are ‘set’, as we recognise the importance of teaching pupils about some specific areas at age-appropriate times (e.g, Social Media), others are ‘reactive’ and are planned each year in response to exploratory work carried out with pupils to identify areas of need/issues which need addressing.