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William Torbitt School

Together we grow and succeed!

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020 8599 1209

William Torbitt Primary School Eastern Avenue, Newbury Park, Ilford, Essex, IG2 7SS

William Torbitt School

Together we grow and succeed!


At William Torbitt our termly DT units are closely linked to our overall termly topics – this allows us to make links between different subjects, to use and apply vocabulary more widely, and to broaden and deepen our overall understanding of each subject. For example, pupils create their own PPE Face Masks whilst learning about Natural Disasters in Geography


Each of our DT topics has an underlying discipline at its heart, and these are revisited over time to ensure that pupils are building and developing skills and techniques over their time in school. We also seek to ensure that each of our DT units has a tangible and practical outcome at its conclusion, from a kite they can take and fly on the field, to small mechanical toys, to a prototype model which will then be subjected to a range of tests and compete against their peers. Every year group also has one ‘Cooking’ topic unit each year, and these link with wider teaching around healthy eating (in Science and PSHE) whilst also providing pupils with an opportunity to learn basic kitchen skills and safety (as well as producing some tasty outcomes!)


We also seek to ensure that elements of our DT curriculum explore and reflect some of the diversity within our school community, exploring food from different cultures and designing jewellery based on traditional techniques.


Several of our units also features specific challenges that pupils are asked to explore and approach thinking as ‘engineers’, something which is further supported by our annual STEM week (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) which also features visitors from a range of fields visiting the school to help pupils see how learning in these areas can lead to a diverse range of interesting careers.

William Torbitt School

Together we grow and succeed!

Get In Touch

020 8599 1209

Eastern Avenue, Newbury Park, Ilford, Essex, IG2 7SS

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