
The Mathematics Mastery Program of Study is delivered in year Reception to Year 6. The lesson is organised into 6 parts.
Each lesson has the following:
- Do Now
- New Learning
- Talk Task
- Develop Learning
- Independent Learning
- Plenary
Transitions are times when pupils move from place to place or activity to activity. Pupils spend a lot of time in transitions – by necessity – and when they are in transitions they are always learning. As every second counts in a Mathematics Mastery lesson, transition activities are a very important component of our approach. Between tasks, children sing songs or do call and response activities with the teacher. These activities are exciting for the pupils, and helps to keep them focused on the learning and the lesson flowing. An important aspect of Mathematics Mastery is the daily Maths Meeting, which is used to consolidate key areas of mathematics in your class.
Maths Meetings provide an opportunity to teach and revise 'general knowledge maths' which may not explicitly be covered during the maths lesson, and also allows the daily integration of maths into the surrounding environment.
Our teachers will ensure that mathematical skills are taught every day through mathematics lessons. In addition they use other curriculum areas to develop pupils’ mathematical fluency. Teachers ensure the recall of essential arithmetic skills by teaching weekly arithmetic lessons in KS2 and fortnightly arithmetic lessons in year 2 and by including arithmetic starters at the beginning of each lesson. These take place in the form of a 'Do Now' activity for Maths Mastery year groups. Our pupils understand the importance of mathematics, are encouraged to be confident in numeracy and to apply the skills that they learn to problem solving.
We subscribe to an app called Times Tables Rock Stars - which is free to download - encourages children to learn their times tables. Teachers set the times tables they would like individual pupils to work on.