School policies cover every aspect of school life. Below are some of our most important policies for your reference.
If you want to know our policy on something that is not listed, please ask the school office. If you require a paper copy of any information on our school website, please contact the school office and this will be provided free of charge.
- A Guide to your Data Rights
- Admission Arrangements.pdf
- Admission Arrangments LBR 2024-25 (Draft).pdf
- Anti-Bullying Policy.pdf
- Anti-Bulling Policy (Child Friendly)
- Attendance Policy.pdf
- AUP Policy LBR
- Behaviour Policy.pdf
- Charging Policy
- Code of Conduct for Parents, Carers and Visitors
- Complaints Policy and Procedure.pdf
- Core Subject Assessment Policy.pdf
- Data Protection Policy.pdf
- Disability, Equality and Accessibility Plan Policy.pdf
- Equality Statement and Objectives
- EYFS policy.pdf
- Finance Policy.pdf
- First Aid Policy
- Foundation Subject Assessment Policy .pdf
- Freedom of Information Policy.pdf
- Governors Code of Conduct .pdf
- Health and Safety Policy.pdf
- Home Learning Policy
- Information Security Policy.pdf
- Lettings Policy.pdf
- Medical Policy.pdf
- Music Charging Policy .pdf
- Online Safety Policy.pdf
- Parent Rights ICO.pdf
- Personal Safety of Staff Policy .pdf
- Privacy Notice for Parents and Carers .pdf
- Privacy Notice for Staff, Governors & Visitors.pdf
- Remote Learning Provison Policy
- RSHE Policy
- Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy
- Safeguarding Statements and Procedures
- Safeguarding Strategy Document
- Safeguarding Overview
- SEND Policy and Information Report.pdf
- Sickness Advice William Torbitt
- Staff Code of Conduct .pdf
- Support Staff Appraisal and Capability Policy.pdf
- Teacher Appraisal and Capability Policy.pdf
- Whistleblowing Policy.pdf