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William Torbitt School

Together we grow and succeed!

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020 8599 1209

William Torbitt Primary School Eastern Avenue, Newbury Park, Ilford, Essex, IG2 7SS

William Torbitt School

Together we grow and succeed!


About the Governors at William Torbitt

Please find below details of how our Governing Body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.


All governors are volunteers and do not receive any payment for their work. They play a vital role in the work of the school.


A full Governing Body meeting and Finance and Personnel Committee meeting are held once each half term.


The governing body of the school has three key roles for setting strategic direction, ensuring accountability and monitoring and evaluating school performance. The governors are accountable to the local authority for the way in which the school is run.


The governors have several main responsibilities:

·         Setting strategic direction, objectives and targets for the school

·         Reviewing progress against the budget, plans and targets

·         Approving the school budget

·         Acting as a critical friend to the head teacher and staff by providing support and challenge

·         Appointing the Head Teacher


Governors monitor and evaluate progress and regularly review the framework of the school. In all these areas the governors are advised by the Head teacher. The School Improvement Plan will generally provide the main mechanism for the strategic planning process.


The head teacher has the responsibility for the internal organisation, management and control of the school and for the implementation of the strategic framework established by the governing body. Governors are not expected to be involved in the day to day management of the school. The head teacher discusses all main aspects of school life with the governing body and will expect governors to both challenge and support the school in its improvement. Acting as a critical friend, governors should seek to question and gain information to enable them to make the best decisions for the school.


This governing body has delegated sufficient powers to the head teacher to enable him/her to perform his/her management duties as effectively as possible. In his/her turn the Head teacher must report regularly to the governors on how those delegated powers have been exercised.

Read our Governors Code of Conduct

The William Torbitt Governing Body is listed below


William Torbitt's Governing Body is made up of 12 Governors:

- The Chair of Governors was appointed by the Local Authority

- Six of the Governors are co-opted governors

- Four of the Governors are parent governors

- One of the Governors is a staff governor


Governor Attendance 2023-24

Governor Attendance 2022-23



Finance Committee

Rajesh Zala (Chair)

Stuart Phillips (Vice Chair)

Bahar Shahin

Turabi Ay

Clare Pike


Buildings, Health & Safety

Turabi Ay


Pay Committee

Stuart Phillips (Chair)

Turabi Ay

Clare Pike


Achievement and Standards Committee

Jane Tyler (Chair)

Stuart Phillips

Bharathy Jeyanthiran

Turabi Ay

Saba Mirza


Link Governors

English – Stuart Phillips

Maths – Bharathy Jeyanthiran

RSHE – Saba Mirza

Training – Rajesh Zala

Assessment – Jane Tyler

EYFS – Turabi Ay

Safegurading – Turabi Ay

SEND – Turabi Ay

Wellbeing – Bisma Amir and Harpreet Soor


William Torbitt School

Together we grow and succeed!

Get In Touch

020 8599 1209

Eastern Avenue, Newbury Park, Ilford, Essex, IG2 7SS

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