At William Torbitt our termly Art units are closely linked to our overall termly topics – this allows us to make links between different subjects, to use and apply vocabulary more widely, and to broaden and deepen our overall understanding of each subject. For example, pupils learn to use collage techniques to make maps whilst learning about the oceans and continents in Geography.
Each of our Art topics has an underlying artistic discipline at its heart, and these are revisited over time to ensure that pupils are building and developing skills and techniques over their time in school. This, alongside our focused artist studies helps to ensure that pupils understand that ‘art’ is not simply limited to drawing and painting, but a wide range of approaches and mediums.
Our Summer Term ‘We Are…’ topics allow pupils the opportunity to study the work of famous artists from both the UK and abroad in greater detail, and to learn not just the processes and skills that artists need, but also something of the thought and consideration that goes into creating memorable and impactful works of art.
We have also chosen several of our units to reflect elements of the cultures and experiences of our pupil community – these include including traditional Indian block printing, mythical creatures from different cultures and traditions, and art created to challenge attitudes around racism and other social concerns.